Plugs not working ...

Scooter Posts: 2 ✭✭


Just got Fizz internet and the coaxial cables in my house were not working ( never had videotron either). After about 40 minutes the Fizz-Videotron technician managed to get signal in one of the rooms. I need a direct connection to the PC and the room I need, is in the opposite side. I asked to try to get signal in the room I need , but he said he can't. Is it normal ?


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin

    Hello Scooter 

    I have verified and see that you've managed to contact us on Live Chat and one of my colleagues helped you further with this situation.

    Please reach us back if you have any other questions. You can contact us any time at

    Have a wonderful day.


  • Scooter
    Scooter Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hello and thank you for your answer. My question was, if this is normal procedure...yes or no ?

    Yes, I spoke to your colleague, and she charged me 60$ to relocate. Yet, that was not my question as I had mentioned.

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