Top up a buddy, feed a belly. ( Mission accomplished.)

Top up a buddy, feed a belly. Mission accomplished.
Once again, your unmatched generosity has allowed us to reach the goal of our #datafeedscommunities operation in record time. Together, you and Sun Youth will help fill 5,000 hungry bellies over the Holidays. A heartfelt thank you.
Hey everyone,
2020 is quite the year, right? If you’re like many of us here, staying home translated to mobile data piling up. Well, time to make the most out of that extra data.
Top up a buddy, feed a belly.
Operation #datafeedscommunities is back. This time, each data gift made among Fizz members before December 25 will help the Sun Youth Organization fill the plate of a person in need. Check the details on
Not sure who to gift your data to?
Or perhaps you’re the one in need of data? Head to the Data sharing Facebook group we set up last time to facilitate exchanges and find a buddy.
So, let’s all pitch in to feed as many bellies as possible, OK?
Thanks in advance
The Fizz team.
Nice initiative Fizz!21
Really Nice..19
Nice thought!20
Great idea22
That's awesome! Thank you19
Nice idea fizz!18
Thank you Fizz for helping others during a time of need!16
If anyone needs some data and doesn't have Facebook (like me), send me a message and I can share with you. I have a few GBs left to share. Cheers!16
Super nice!13
Nice idea!15
Be generous people, be generous11
Nicr thing12
It's nice!12
It's time to give, just did.9
Did it today without knowing this was going on. Excellent surprise!7
Yesser buddy5
Thanks for sharing4
I gave as many datas as it was possible for me5
Very nice initiative!4
very nice, i gifted 5gb3
Very Nice!!4
I‘m so happy that you could achieve the goal. Keep up the good work, Fizz!3
I sent 500 mb of data.2
It’s so nice to see such an engaging community that joins forces to help others in need! That’s why I love this community. :-)2
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