Moving, change of plan, etc?

Émya S.
Émya S. Posts: 3 ✭✭
Hi! I've been trying to get to the chat to FINALLY sort this thing out and nothing works. Here it goes:
- I've plan my moving a month ago, changed my plan, changed my address
- The technician came yesterday, I have my wifi, everything's fine
- The new owner of my last place STILL can't create her account because it says I still have my account at this place, but I did everything. Is there something missing?


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,459 admin
    Hello Émya,
    I have just replied to you on Facebook Messenger and I have created the ticket so that our technical team will solve the situation encountered.
    As soon as we will have an answer from them you will be notified by e-mail address.
    If you need anything else, you can reach us any time at
    Thank you very much for your understanding and patience.
    Have a wonderful day!
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