2 phone numbers with the same account. Can only access for one phone number

I registered my daughter first under my name and when I registered myself It was done under the same email address. The result is that everytime I log in to my account I can only see the profile and account information of my daughter. Is there a way to have the account information for me and my daughter. Thanks.


  • Yelena
    Yelena Posts: 1,861 ✭✭
    You have the option to create a second account for yourself.
  • Olivier R. #3666
    Olivier R. #3666 Posts: 1,715 ✭✭
    No one account one name
  • Evanexxus
    Evanexxus Posts: 1 ✭✭
    IN your network setting, go on SIM, and choice wicth one get sms, phone and use mobile
  • redhead
    redhead Posts: 818 ✭✭
    Mike has the best answer; time to select his reply as "best answer" and close this discussion.
This discussion has been closed.