Why i don't have mobile internet for two days?

I don't mobile internet but enough data


  • poker85
    poker85 Posts: 1,103 ✭✭
    Everything works well here. Do you have any data left for the month? Did you deactivate the data on your telephone?
  • Bozo
    Bozo Posts: 479 ✭✭
    I will also suggest to reset (reboot) your iPhone first, after put airplane mode on and off.
    Good luck !
  • Eliot L. #17990
    Eliot L. #17990 Posts: 187 ✭✭

    Hi Maria, try to install this custom APN.


    Or like the others, just try to reboot your phone.

  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Try to reboot your phone or
    If it doesnt work;
    Ask for support from Fizz by chat online.
  • Beter
    Beter Posts: 137 ✭✭
    make sure ypu didnt go beyond ypur data limit that you set for your phone.
    Maybe it s blocking it byitself
  • Zéphir
    Zéphir Posts: 1 ✭✭
    I had the same issue last week, it was a pain.
    It worked again somehow after 2 days
  • Try the setting bellow in my YouTube channel
    pour configurer fizz et un review!
    FMGZY pour 25$$ de rabais a l'activation! https://youtu.be/kovBCLVRayI
  • Marisol G.
    Marisol G. Posts: 174 ✭✭
    Sometimes you can try to change your network settings, try to use the factory ones not those from fizz
  • Yelena
    Yelena Posts: 1,861 ✭✭
    Try those three easy steps:
    -reboot your phone
    -remove and reinsert the sim card
    -turn the airplane mode on and off
    If those don't help, check the APN settings.
    If nothing helps, contact the support.
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