How do I add a new credit card for payment?

Tea K.
Tea K. Posts: 3 ✭✭
How do I add a new credit card to my account? Apres how do you remove your previous credit card


  • Rayl
    Rayl Posts: 122 ✭✭
    You can update your payment method in your account.
  • Malcolm S.
    Malcolm S. Posts: 15 ✭✭
    ..and if you have more then one account you have to change each account individually.
  • Dallaire_M
    Dallaire_M Posts: 509 ✭✭
    Irene have the good answer, go in your account and click on manage / payment method.
  • Vtradguy
    Vtradguy Posts: 21 ✭✭
    The common answer given by all didn't work for me ( Go to My Plans in your account. Click on Manage > Payment method.). It let me add a new payment method but wont let me remove the old one. Hence I am still locked to the old one.
  • Kenny L. #23
    Kenny L. #23 Posts: 794 ✭✭
    After adding a new card, make the new card the primary. It will then allow you to delete the old card.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,795 admin
    Hello ,
    In order to add a new credit card to your account make sure that you check the following link : .After that make sure that the credit card you want to delete it is not set as default.You can check this by following this steps : My plans/Manage plan/Payment method .
    Have a nice day!
    Marius Daniel
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