internet speed

red7 Posts: 4
edited March 2 in Internet
hi guys new member here and i have a question for the community.i just got the 200mbps plan installed 2 days ago but im getting much less speed than far i average around 60 to 80 mbps....any thoughts that can help me?


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,532 ✭✭
    edited February 28

    Hi @red7

    It can be a problem with your wifi

    Did you check the speed using the Fizz app? Or even better a computer connected with the ethernet cable to the modem?

    If using a computer connected with the ethernet cable you still have a lower speed contact the support

    If you have the right speed, try to check this guide

  • G225 code IRSGE
    G225 code IRSGE Posts: 5,209 ✭✭

    Hi, try to test your speed with Ethernet.

    Test your speed with apps Fizz Wifi.

    If your speed is too slow, ask fizz to check your signal.

    Contact us | Fizz

  • Dtek4U
    Dtek4U Posts: 4
    Hello Fellow Fizz lovers. I got same, but didnt realize had to activate the service from the account online. had like 65kbs , i was on shock, specially when all are up to date AX . if you want to have a real result of test go with Cloudflare speed test. best way to do a test get it far as possible not close to montreal. also to improve even more your speed change the DNS for second, to secure it and make it faster. Even without the DNS with WIFI 12 feet far 199MB Speed. The Modem is AC still gives a huge punch after a good configuration of all, I am at now from last to now 305MBs Wifi test. Imagine with Cable. I dont Regret my Choice, I am not only a customer also product and services tester .
  • red7
    red7 Posts: 4
    thank you for your time and effort to help me out my friends but unfortunately i cant try out your pc is far away from modem to connect and the app i cant install it due to my phone is old and need newer ios....but i think it doesnt matter from the point that i realised that the downstream light should be blue but instead is white meaning slow connection and issue with the cable from what i read!i tried to secure the connection on both ends but no luck there they were pretty tight from what i could any new thoughts?
  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,532 ✭✭

    Start contacting the support they can check the modem remotely to see if everything is ok, if not they will send you a tech to solve it

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,204 admin

    Hello @red7 ,

    Sorry to hear about the issue.

    I verified your modem`s signals and they appear to be in good standing, so I advise you to check and disable your WiFi band steering, renaming your 2,4 and 5 Ghz bands separatly so you can check if you get a higher speed on the 5 Ghz band.

    If you are in the 2,4 Ghz band, you get a better coverage but lower speed, and if you are on the 5 Ghz band, you get a lower coverage but a better speed.

    Since the modem decides on what band it connects on it`s own ( connecting your devices to it ) , it might have your devices connected on the 2,4 band thus making you receive lower speed.

    Of course, we have to factor in the number of devices connected at the same time, as the speed gets divided between them.

    To connect to the modem interface go to a browser , type : and connect with the following :

    username : cusadmin
    password : your WiFi password.

    Go to Wireless - check the 2,4 and 5 Ghz band and disable band steering.

    Rename the bands , save and connect your devices one by one ( high usage and close devices on 5 Ghz and low usage on 2,4 Ghz band )
    You can also test channels for the 5 Ghz band there, as each channel offers a better speed depending on how many users are connected to it.

    A bit more steps can be found here :

    If you still have issues, reach our customer service for further investigations.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Have a good one,
    Raul, Community Moderator

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