My home internet payment failed because I changed my credit card information

Cherry Posts: 6 ✭✭
edited February 22 in Internet

but I fixed and paid it. Now my 🛜 home internet disappeared. The router is still light on but I can not find my wifi on my setting anymore. What can I do? Please help!!!


  • G225 code IRSGE
    G225 code IRSGE Posts: 5,376 ✭✭
    edited January 31

    Hi check in your account if your Internet is active. Disconnect your modem and reconnect.

    Contact support here

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,736 ✭✭

    Hi @Cherry

    When you add a new credit card to your account, you need to be associated with your plan

    To associate a card with a plan.

    Log into your Fizz account.

    Select the plan you wish to associate with a new card.

    Click on Manage plan > Change my payment method

    Select the payment method with which you’d like this plan to be associated with.


    If you have more than one Fizz plan, you must repeat these steps and associate the desired payment method with each of your plans.  


    If your payment fail, to fix it

    An email and a text will be sent to you to notify you of the payment failure. From that moment, you have until the end of your current payment cycle, so 72 hours from the time the payment attempt failed, to proceed with the payment of your plan to avoid it being suspended, and eventually cancelled.

    If you catch up on your payment in time.  

    If you make your payment within the 72 hours (the specific date and time of that deadline will be specified in your account, as well as in the communications that will be sent to you), there is no impact or consequence: your services will remain activated. 

    A > Make a payment on the card currently associated with your plan to free up funds so you can use it to catch up on your Fizz payment.

    B > Wait until the cut-off date, when your plan will be suspended. You will then be able to change your payment method to make your payment, and your plan will then be reactivated. 

    If you don’t catch up on your payment within that 72-hour window.  

    If you fail to catch up on your payment in time, your plan will be suspended. You won’t be able to use your services until a payment is made to reactivate them. 


    If after this, you still have problem, please contact the support

    PS: after fixing the payment, you probably need to turn off the modem for couples of minutes to be able to have it correctly provisioned again

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,295 admin

    Hello Cherry  ,

    Sorry to hear about the issue.

    I verified your account and it appears that you managed to reach our colleagues on Live chat to remedy the issue.

    In your case it appears that the modem reset on it`s own and you had to configure it once again, so just be sure that you check for the Default Network on the back of the modem and use the password for the Default Key which is under the network name to access the Easy connect interface and set a new name and password for your connection.

    More details can be found here also :

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Have a good one,
    Raul, Community Moderator

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