Address is not listed for shipping address

mayamn124 Posts: 2
edited October 2024 in My Mobile
I am trying to add a shipping address, but it is not coming up in the suggested drop down suggestions. How do I manually add a new shipping address?

Best Answer


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,134 admin

    Hello mayamn124 

    We are sorry to hear about this situation.

    After verifying our tools, we noticed that you were able to reach our customer service agents regarding this situation and they informed you that the address provided by you is not into our subscription zone.

    This is why you were not able to find it as, for the moment the delivery and activation can be made only from the Fizz subscription zone.

    Here are more details: 

    In case you wish to add a different one which is into the optimal area and there are still issues, our customer service agents are available at any hour.

    Your understanding is highly appreciated.

    Have a great day.

    -Lavinia, Community Moderator 

  • FizzBoi
    FizzBoi Posts: 2
    When you actually order a Sim or a phone you will be able to enter the address you want
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