Website hangup during acfivations

Fredweet Posts: 33 ✭✭
edited July 2024 in My Mobile
I've been trying to activate a new sim card under a different email (account) for my father.
(I ordered the sim card for him under my account. )

I log into my father's account and proceed to the activate my sim section.
All good till I get to the payment part.

The website keep saying that the credit card numbers are our of sequence. I check and double check everything. All line up with the address on file with credit card company.

I call up the credit card customer service all is good on their end and the charge is authorized. Must be a glitch on the fizz website they say.

Then I try again to activate using an incognito browser page .... Still no luck now it plainly says declined.

So I try another credit card. No luck.

At this point the website hangs at the part where the sim card activation code is entered. I can't get passt that part last evening.

I wait 12 hours and try again.
I get a bit further but still the credit card is not accepted. It's an RBC visa. Pretty normal.

I also try a Scotia visa. No luck.

I tried different browsers, regular and private, also tried on my phone.

Any thoughts on how to activate properly?

I've checked everything to do with billing address to match up.


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