Telegram and Webtoon media occasionally doesn't load or load super slow over Fizz Home Internet

Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited July 2024 in Internet

Admin again didn't read all discussion again and just closed previous one! I've contacted support and they told me to reset router at first, I made that and nothing worked again!! I am writting here and not inside customer service chat because they are not helping!! Stop closing discussions as solved! nothing is solved!

Best Answer

  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    Okay, I bought GL.inet Opal wifi and switched Fizz router into bridge mode... And what do you think... No issues anymore! It was just faulty wifi inside Fizz router, but Fizz Customer Support told that my router is fine and noone going to replace it.


  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Support also closed my chat conversation without me.

  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Ok, support did not solve my issue and refused to replace modem. I am cancelling my service and will look for another provider.

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,590 ✭✭

    Sorry for your experience 😔

  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Cool, looks like my place doesn't have anything except Videotron… which is also Fizz. Will try to buy wi-fi router than, maybe that will help ;(

  • wenhan
    wenhan Posts: 1,595 ✭✭

    make sure to put the fizz modem into bridge mode. also switching to videotron might help as then they have live support to get things fixed if its something from their end. then you can switch back to fizz for lower price once things are working

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,909 ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Unfortunately we are all users here on the forum.

    In order to get your issue fixed, support should create a ticket for the technical team. Or you can create a ticket yourself, just go to

    Settings → Contact forms → Submit a Complaint

  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 291 ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Hi @Vital350

    It would seem that both Telegram and Webtoons can suffer from slow downs for the same reason.

    For Webtoons:


    Data and Cache Buildup:

     Over time, accumulated cache and data can slow down the app or cause malfunctions. To improve performance, you can clear the app’s cache and data in your device’s settings”

    For Telegram:


    Cache Data Build-up

    Another reason why Telegram might be slow is due to cache data build-up. Telegram stores temporary files and data on your device to speed up message loading and other operations. However, over time, this cache data can build up and slow down the app. To fix this issue, you can clear the Telegram cache by going to Settings > Data and Storage > Storage Usage and selecting Clear Cache.

    As for using your own router(s), that is what I have always done, BUT it would be a waste of money if that is not the problem. You can do a simple test using the Speedtest app or website, however be sure to shut off your wifi on the device for several seconds and then reconnect in the spot of your home where you want to test the speed.

    Modern routers will “handoff” from one frequency to another, but not all routers are as good at it as others.

    If you want to verify the problem is your devices /computers vs Fizz internet, see if you can get a friends phone that is with another provider and test the internet speed. If the speed is sufficient, tether off the phone to your devices to see if the internet connection is really the problem, or if it is software related to the cache(s).

    It would be a shame to go through the trouble of switching interment providers only to discover that other problem was software related.

    I hope this helps. Would you please post if you tried this solution and if it helped our not?



  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 291 ✭✭

    Apologies @Vital350

    I just read the other threads. The problem is not device related and therefor my above suggestions won’t help.

  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 291 ✭✭

    Thanks for posting the solution.

This discussion has been closed.