Telegram and Webtoon media occasionally doesn't load or load super slow over Fizz Home Internet

Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭
edited July 2024 in Internet

Continuing discussion that Whizz closed.

It is still not working and his scan shows "470.8/57.2 Very Good" but issue appears today again :(

Test key was YBJHRQGU.

Why are you closing my tickets if issue was not solved?

Best Answer

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,909 ✭✭
    edited July 2024 Answer ✓

    In your place, I would contact customer support, give them your test key, ask them to analyze the issue and ask for a ticket to be created for the tracking purposes.


  • wenhan
    wenhan Posts: 1,595 ✭✭

    I dont think the ticket is closed if you started one in your account. they like to close the threads. Message support from your account.

  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭

    I mean discussion. "I verified your modem`s signals and while some signals were quite off in
    the modem`s history, the issue appears to have been remedied." - issue was never remedied and they just closed the discussion with these words.

  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭

    I've contacted around 4-5 times this week. Made all their requests like change settings, reset modem, disable 2.4 network etc - nothing changed. No one even suggested to replace modem or something like that. Most that they are saying contact to the support of the services above.

  • propea
    propea Posts: 221 ✭✭

    Yes the best way is to contact customer support. They will help you out with this.

  • Vital350
    Vital350 Posts: 15 ✭✭

    Already said that they are not helping

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,909 ✭✭

    @Whizz please escalate this issue.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,271 admin

    Hello Vital350 

    We're really sorry for the inconvenience.

    Could you please process a factory reset and test the services after? This can be done by locating the reset button, which is situated on the back side of the modem just above the Ethernet ports. Using a small, sharp object, such as a pin or paperclip, press and hold the reset button for 10 seconds, until all of the LEDs on the modem turn off.
    It's important to keep in mind that resetting the modem to its factory settings will erase any modifications that have been made to your Wi-Fi modem settings thus far. As a result, you may need to reconfigure your devices' Wi-Fi settings, including the network name and password.

    More details can be seen here

    For further details please contact us directly and we will gladly assist you further

    Thanks for your kind understanding !

    Have a good rest,

    -Ingrid, Community Moderator 

This discussion has been closed.