My modem is not provisioned despite being activated, what do?

DreadSpecter Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited July 2024 in Internet
I'm a Videotron tech who made the switch to Fizz. My signal is good and the modem is getting RX and TX, but for some reason the activation process didn't work, it's pretty obvious the wrong modem was provisioned. What are you supposed to do when support doesn't answer for days?

Best Answer


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,271 admin

    Hello DreadSpecter, 
    I am sorry to hear about the situation encountered with your home internet plan. 
    After making the necessary verifications into my tools I was able to see that your modem appears as offline for the moment. 
    Please try to test it in a different coaxial  outlet ( if possible)  in order to see if anything will change and also make sure that the coaxial is well screwed and not damaged in any way. 
    If it will still not work, I kindly suggest you to continue the conversation with the customer service agents. 
    The waiting time can be higher than expected due to the high number of contacts from this period however our agents are making the necessary to reply as soon as possible. 
    When reaching then, prepare as well a photo with the back side of the modem ( white label visible) in order for them to make the necessary interventions. 
    To open the chat, you can access this link: 
    Your understanding and cooperation are highly appreciated. 
    Have a great day. 
    -Lavinia, Community moderator 

  • DreadSpecter
    DreadSpecter Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Yeah that's what I say though, been up for more than a day waiting for someone to join...
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