Your 3rd assignment: Watch a live sports match.⚽️

Whizz Posts: 24,327 admin
edited July 2024 in TV

Hey Fizzers!

This assignment is for BETA testers who have selected a sports channel in their TV plan.

Your 3rd assignment:

1) Open the Fizz TV app and sign in.

2)Select a live sports event and watch it.

3) Test the viewing controls: play, pause, forward and back.

4) If you have a compatible smart TV, cast the sports event using your mobile device. If you’re not sure how to cast, check the steps in the FAQ.

How did you like the experience?

Any glitch?

How was the quality of the image?

Thanks in advance,

The Fizz team. ⚡️


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 789 ✭✭

    Quality image : good.

    Viewing Controls : does NOT work at all.

  • Orcaflow
    Orcaflow Posts: 21 ✭✭

    quality image: good (not hd)

    viewing controls, was able to pause and rewind

    no glitches, and so far decent experience

  • GGMate
    GGMate Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Quality is not perfect. Normal?
  • Magete
    Magete Posts: 2 ✭✭

    unable to cast tsn from iPhone to my Roku tv. Or any other channel from fizz since 8pm

  • Magete
    Magete Posts: 2 ✭✭

    image is perfect . Pause , rewind and fwd works fine

  • Roberto P. #40022
    Roberto P. #40022 Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Watched EuroCup and CopaCup finals at 1080p no issues.

  • Tommy V. #1175
    Tommy V. #1175 Posts: 34 ✭✭

    Im watching the home run derby, quality is good but could be better

    I can pause, rewind 30 sec but not forward 30sec

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,327 admin

    Thank you everyone for your comments!

    We appreciate it!

    Your feedback helps us improve and maintain our goal to providing you with an exceptional TV service.

    -The Fizz Team

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,327 admin

    Hi @Tommy V. #1175

    Could you provide us with more information or try those steps so we can assist you further?

    1. The frequency of your issue to forward 30 sec
    2. The device you were using ? and Does the problem occur elsewhere?
    3. Your app version (up to date?)
    4. Has the device been restarted?
    5. Is the problem with live content, replay or VOD?

    Thank you !

    -The Fizz Team