Your 2nd assignment: Watch content

Whizz Posts: 24,327 admin
edited July 2024 in TV

Hey Fizzers!

It's time for your second assignement. 🤗

These short and simple assignments allow us to see if everything is going according to plan. Don’t forget to share your comments afterwards.

Your 2nd assignment

1) Open the Fizz TV app and sign in. 

2) Select a movie, a TV series or any other content you feel like watching.  

3) Play the chosen content. 

4) Use the viewing controls: play, pause, forward and back. 

So, did everything work out as planned? 


Thanks in advance, 

The Fizz team. 💚


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 789 ✭✭

    It works ONLY for ON DEMAND channel.

  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,510 ✭✭


    I tried to watch a TV series, if I will advance using the bar it is playing a couple of seconds and after repeat it and everything work well after

    If I forward with the 15 seconds multiple time, it plays a bit of a some previous jump and after start correctly

  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 789 ✭✭
    edited June 2024

    Tested with  Fizz TV version

    For NON ON DEMAND channels :

    play, pause and back work.

    forward does not work ( even when I"m not a the current time or Live of the program )

  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 789 ✭✭

    Tested with Fizz Tv version ( Android 9 )

    In order to have access to pause | play, forward (15 second ), back (15 second), I MUST go to the begining of the program.

    For ON DEMAND program : pause, play, forward and back work.

    For NON ON DEMAND program : pause, play and forward work ; back does NOT work.

    Notes : with version : pause, play, forward and back button are available without going to the begining of the program ; and this version is installed on Android TV 11