
lkreglewsk Posts: 64 ✭✭
edited May 2024 in My Mobile

Hello @lkreglewsk ,

Sorry to hear about the issue.

For the moment the website is undergoing some maintenance works, so it might function a bit strange.

Please try again in a few hours as the situation should be remedied.

Thank you for your understanding.
Have a good one,
-Raul, Community Moderator

It's been weeks, you guys need to fix it, I want to switch to you from my other provider, but the not being able to chat with you is stopping me


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,976 admin

    Hello again, @lkreglewsk ,

    Sorry to hear that the issue is happening for quite a while.

    The website came back properly this time, so I advise you to try again to check our contact methods :

    If the issue persists, I advise you to reach us on private ( click on the Whizz portrait and send us a message there ) , for further investigations.

    Have a good one,
    -Raul, Community Moderator

This discussion has been closed.