Gifting internet data

ab_exe Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited May 2024 in Data Gifting
I think it should be allowed to gift data to people who are not on the data plan. That way they will also get to see how good fizz internet and then become future subscribers.


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,540 ✭✭


    I understand your point but Fizz is a company and of will authorize this I will make less money

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,577 ✭✭
    Lol I doubt that will happen. Most people just want unlimited data for netflix.
  • Mark123_2024
    Mark123_2024 Posts: 5,828 ✭✭

    For the moment is not available.

  • Soma
    Soma Posts: 176 ✭✭

    But still a good idea though. Perhaps limit it to 1gb or something like that and limited the how long it lasts. Could potentially convert some people

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,210 admin

    Hello @ab_exe,
    Thank you for the question.
    I understand your point of view, however as of right now this is part of the Fizz policy.
    Maybe things will change in the future, and you will also send/receive data gift without needing to have a data plan.
    If any information regarding to that will come up in the future be assured that all of our customers will be informed.
    Any new information will be reflected on our FAQ
    We appreciate your input as we value our customers opinions.
    I wish you a wonderful day.
    -Mihai, Community Moderator

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