Could we have a forum exclusively for "Off-topic" discussions?

I like to follow the forum to know what's going on with Fizz.
But I'm sick of all the phony questions that are only meant for the same users to score easy points day after day.
Those off-topic discussions should be on a separate forum and the main Fizz forum should be reserved for real questions related to Fizz.
What do you think? (And yes, it has something to do with Fizz.)
Hi @Mario_FQDZA
Sometimes it's very difficult to follow the forum due to the quantity of posts related to the break room.
I understand your point, however, I believe Fizz created this category for that reason
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What category? There are no categories. That's the point: everything is mixed together; the good and the fake just to get points.
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The Break room category
Nothing Fizz here. Just a cool hang out to talk movies, sports, or whatever else is on your mind.
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@elena code xzi4t Well then, could @A17 @Mark123_2024 @BlueGiant_L57D2 @Fouineur9 and all the other subscibers who post questions that have nothing to do with Fizz just to score points, post in the Break Room?
@Whizz From now on, could a Whizz monitor the forum and move those questions to the "Break Room"?
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There is already.
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Hi @Mario_FQDZA
All the unnecessary posts are already in the "5 à 7" section in French or in the "Break Room" section in English! But I understand your point! Changes should probably be made to the Forum!
But unfortunately, the only possibility for members to make points is by discussing anything and everything in its two sections! Before, you could earn points just by answering help questions, but unfortunately, this is no longer possible! @elena code xzi4t knows something about this, she responds to most of the real requests for help and almost never obtains the Best Answers for her time given to the forum. The @Whizz decided to stop awarding Best Answers, because they couldn't deal with their partisanship or their laziness in reading comments in response to the request for help! They always systematically or almost always gave the Best Answers to the one who is the most active! It was becoming frustrating for other members who were making considerable efforts to respond to requests for help!
The problem is that the @Whizz have decided to stop awarding the Best Answers, without having a plan for those who deserve the Best Answers, without the @Whizz awarding it! Because the members who come here to ask a question, do not understand how the forum works and do not understand the benefit of choosing a Best Answer and the @Whizz , instead of suggesting to the author of the question, to choose a best answer by showing them how to do it, they close the post, leaving the author unable to choose a Best Answer.
I think if the Whizz fixed this problem, the members would focus more on helping people, rather than just chatting.
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Hello there everyone,
While we understand your point of views , I would also like to note that it`s not that easy to monitor every single post that everyone makes.
We are a small team , and we try to do our best to keep the forum pleasurable - we try to move discussions that tend to be talkative ( for the points as you stated ) in the appropriate sections but we can`t really close them ( some we do close when the replies do seem to be just for the sake of it or they become a bit aggressive since it will then create further discussions on why did you close my post as I wanted to ask something , and some have created even animosities between users)
Our team is working on ideas for the forum, so we can keep it interesting and also have it as a place where you can talk with other users about different hobbies and such and also discuss about the Fizz services and whatnot , but the current format remains in place for the moment.
Now , as I can see, @Pascal you are quite upset on the best answer situation, to which we explained more than a few times why it was decided to close the posts directly.
So let me explain again here, so everyone can see and understand the reasoning.
1 - we are not lazy , we are working hard to keep everything in check as best as we can and we are a small team as stated earlier.
2 - we decided to stop giving the best answers since users got upset that they were not rewarded with the Best Answer , even though maybe theirs was not correct, there was a moderation delay or we decided to select the most complete answer of them all.
3 - regarding the post being closed to early - it`s to avoid unnecessary spam ( for points ) since some answers really are just to contact customer support without any real help or suggestion.
While some cases do need just the customer support , some answers are just for the sake of points, but we really don`t say anything on that regard.
Example, two users gave a suggestion and then told the user to contact customer support, but a third one comes and just says , contact customer service. ( we can all agree that the third reply is just for points )
While this last point can cause a situation where the one that opened the thread does not have time to give a best answer, usually , we try to keep the conversation open as long as the direct services are no affected and eventually we close it.
So, if the user in question, checks the forum again, he should have time to give a best answer.
You can also modify your reply, to include the message to award someone with a best answer but not specifically to give you the best answer ( just let the user decide after viewing your message ).
Thank you kindly for everyone`s understanding and I wish you all a wonderful weekend :)
-Raul, Community Moderator1