Modem activation

Tvl Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited February 2024 in Internet
After receiving my modem, i activate it. But the speed about 0.9 mbps. I turn it off and on but nothing change. Any idea ?


  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,069 ✭✭

    Contact the support it seems an activation problem

    dis you try to turn off the modem for couples of minutes

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,023 admin

    Hello Tvl,
    I am sorry to hear that you encounter this situation,
    After you receive your modem,  you receive an email with instructions to activate the modem as well. 
    Your payment cycle will start as soon as your modem is activated at full speed. If you do not do it yourself in your account, Fizz will activate it remotely three (3) days after its delivery date, whether you have installed it or not.

    The internet plan does not seem to be activated on the account associated to this Forum account so I will not be able to provide you with accurate information from there.
    To reach out to us, follow the link below, click on the green bubble and then on the contact way preferred.

    I kindly advise you to reach out to us in private in order to investigate.
    Thank you for your understanding!
    Have a great day!
    -Eugen, Community Moderator

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