How long is the promotion good for?

Hi, does anyone know when the $49 wifi promotion is good for?
Best Answers
Hi @Easygolucky
This is not a promotion, since when it is a promotion Fizz indicate the end, this is a price change.
Fizz is change the price constantly, I never notice a specific date when this is done. If I am not mistaking the price was change couples of weeks a go therefore, I am confident that it will stay for weeks.
If you cannot modify your plan since you are in the freezing period (the 108 hours before the next billing cycle) I believe that you will be able to get the price.
If you don't have internet, and you want to get, but you are waiting the next month (for example) since it is when your month if finish with the previous provider, you can order and book the modem for that period.
Moreover, usually Fizz during the holiday they make some promotion, but also for this no one can confirm it :D
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They don't usually advertise their plan price changes. My guess would be a few weeks, maybe until January. But that is just a guess and I could be wrong.
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If you keep an eye on the hot deals forum someone will generally post a thread whenever fizz updates their prices if you want to find out when carriers post deals0
I am referring to this plan
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No one knows, it's better to use it now until it's too late.
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Do you know when it started?
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In my mind they would let the promotion run for a few weeks right?
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Thank you so much!
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I appreciate you informing me and taking a guess
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My friend decided to sign up for this promo but I am still debating switching
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Good to know!
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Thank you so much!!! I will do this