Setting access issue

Carl_24 Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited October 2023 in Welcome and join
I'm waiting to receive a 3 gig transfer from someone but i dont see the setting subtab, tips?


  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,259 ✭✭


    Are you sure that they send it? You can check here

    1. Go to My Plans in your Fizz account.
    2. Under the plan you wish to view (if you have more than one) click on See usage.
    3. This will open the Usage screen, which lists all your gifts, Add-Ons, Rollovers, etc. The blue arrow will tell you which data bucket you are currently using. On the right hand side you can see how many days are left for your gifted data.

  • Code : 8CE6H
    Code : 8CE6H Posts: 9,320 ✭✭

    Hello Carl_24,

    Best to check with that person. If the transfer has taken place, it should be almost automatic.

  • snow_code_ROZ9N
    snow_code_ROZ9N Posts: 95 ✭✭

    Normally, if others gift you data, you will receive a text message soon.

  • authorone
    authorone Posts: 97 ✭✭

    When someone gift you with data, is just matter of secs to receive it, email and gifted data added to you ... maybe the other person has not done it yet ?

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,211 admin

    Hello @Carl_24,

    Thank you for describing your situation to us.

    I have verified your Fizz member account and I can see that the data was sent and you received this data.

    You can see the received data gifts by logging into your Fizz member account - My plans - Usage. More details about the usage menu here:

    I hope you have a pleasant day!


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