How do you restore the previous perk gifting functionality?

Jacques_Assert Posts: 160 ✭✭
edited September 2023 in Your Fizz Account

I asked a question and received a condescending answer from a Whizz, who assumed the reasons that I'd make two accounts without asking or allowing opportunity to respond, and more importantly without answering the relevant question: How can Fizz be prodded to make the perks function in the less restrictive way of the past.

Mihai, for your information there are at least two other reasons to keep plans separate. Yes, there is a referral bonus that's worth about a month of service, but I set up four family members at the same time, and if I'd put them all on the same account, I'd have only had one 500MB perk to share, while setting them up separately gives them each a 500MB perk and allows them to pay for their own mobile phones. Since you don't allow either splitting or merging of accounts, children who leave the home are still stuck with a parent controlling their mobile account if they use Fizz unless they use one account per device.

There is another reason for separating mobile and internet plans too. When my kid moved in with a bunch of friends, they got Internet service on a separate account. Then when they move out a year later, they can transfer account ownership without interfering with their mobile plan.

Both of these reasons are more important than a referral bonus, and both are workarounds for the fact that you can't merge or split account ownership. But thanks for declaring my actions were to obtain a one time referral bonus, and thanks for not answering the question. I already said that I know why Fizz sends these perks. What I'm repeating now is that it is insulting and frustrating to long time customers and I'm about at the point where another perk I can't use is going to have me looking for alternatives.

I've had poor customer service experiences with Bell, but I've never had a Bell rep tell me why I set up my accounts the way I did.

So what is it going to take for Fizz to offer shareable perks again?

Best Answer

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,143 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I agree that it is more interesting to have one account for each mobile plan

    regarding the perks it was always like that not all the perks are giftable but what you are doing is like to complain for a gift received

    i know is not exactly a gift received for a person therefore you will not agree with what I said. but nowhere fizz wrote that they will give us x gift per years


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,929 admin

    Hello Jacques_Assert,
    Thank you for your question,
    The perks you receive as rewards can at times be sent as a gift. 
    It is not a rule that you should be able to gift all your perks ( we are speaking here only for the data perks). 
    You can find more details on this matter here:

    Also, in regards to your previous question on this post:
    There are several reasons why you may receive a perk/ reward. You receive some rewards for your loyalty, for example 5 perks of 1 GB each if you had an active mobile plan before a certain date. You are always informed via email the reason why you receive the perks.

    Rewards to account that have only 1 plan internet/mobile. For an account with a mobile plan, you receive a targeted reward to give you the opportunity to try our internet service as well and test it for a month without cost.

    For your internet plan, you receive either the same reward (1 free month) or data perks. These perks cannot be sent to another account.

    And there are other rewards (perks) that come from certain promotions or partnerships Fizz has with different companies over the year.

    Furthermore, the message my colleague sent there, was in regards to the rewards program and he observed one of the reasons why you created 2 separate account to benefit from the referral program as well. That was an observation and nothing offensive about it. 

     The following link explains why merging accounts in not available at this time. It may be possible in the future when the technical team finds a way to do that safely.

    Additionally, we are closing the threads after we offer an official response to your question.

    Thank you for your understanding. 
    Have a good day!


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