Moving and add a service ends up in the same place!

Mathieu P. 49574
Mathieu P. 49574 Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited September 2023 in Internet

Hi, I'm trying to add an Internet service to a new address, while keeping the internet service at the old address, and I end up at the same page as the moving option. The address in the toolbar is the same once on the page after clicking the Next button for the selected plan.


Internet -- Our Plans brings you to the same place as Internet - Moving when you choose a plan and click Next.

How can I confirm which action will be made? Adding vs moving?



  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,048 ✭✭

    If you really need to plan, why don’t add it in a new account in this way you can use the referral code of the first plan to the second? You will receive 25$ on each account

    i never try to add a second internet plan, did you try from here

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,642 admin

    Hello Mathieu P. 49574 ,

    When you place a moving order you have to go to My plans - Manage - Moving your service.

    You select a date in which the plan is deactivated at the old address and a date when the plan is reactivated at the new address with a set appointment date.

    When you get a new plan, you have to go to Overview - Add a Internet plan and just select the address where you want the service to be installed.

    Usually, clients go with the first option since it`s easier to not return the modem and get a new subscription ( as a new subscription will require also a new modem delivery ).

    Here you can find more details :

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Have a good one,

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