Loosing Internet and random modem reboots

MrMax Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited August 2023 in Internet
Hi everyone!

quick question, are there any actual logs inside the modem we can check? Or that a technician can look at?

We are having random Internet issues were I loose Internet connection (ping = 100% packet loss) and eventually if I let it go for a few minutes the modem will reboot on its own. Once reboot is complete, everything is back to normal. It can happen a couple time in a few days or once a month...Sometimes I can't even reach the modem's web interface...Rebooting the modem always restores the service. It affects LAN and WAN clients, but other devices internally (like my NAS) are fully reachable when I have an outage.

I've done wayyyyy too many sessions with the Fizz chat and actual technicians. None of them can find the issue so I'm trying one last time here....

I've tried so far:

- Changing the modem from an outlet to an other (already in an UPS but you know, did it anyways for support);
- Reset the modem (done multiple times, with and without uploading my previous existing config);
- Check the cable is well connected (cable was connected by the Videotron tech);
- Plugging my devices directly into the modem and not through a switch. I have an 8 ports switch, but even when everything is directly on the modem it eventually resets;
- Replace coax cable : the cable was redone by a Videotron technician from the modem to the the post outside. Still doesn't work;
- Replacing the modem - modem was recently changed (a month ago) and I started the config from scratch. Didn't work;
- A traceroute does show that I can reach the modem, but after that it doesn't go any further.
- Other internal devices ping when I loose connection and I can connect to them like I said earlier.
- I've been running the same devices on the network for many months.

Fizz agents always say my signal is clean and so do the technicians that come to the house, but since the problem is intermittent, yes they usually find nothing but a clean signal....

All that to say, I really think that the only way to actually find an answer (or a lead) would be to look inside the modem for something that causes the WAN to disconnect first and then the whole model to go MIA. Hence my question from the beginning, do these modems have logs? And if so, can someone at Fizz look at them?

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 785 ✭✭
    edited August 2023

    From my understanding there is no log that is accessible by user with this firmware. If there is one then it should be accessible by Fizz ( but I'm not sure that there is one ).

    Here is my suggestion : the next time that it happen, try to disconnect 1 device at a time to see if the problem would resolve by itself ( in case one of your device is the culpit ).

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,284 ✭✭


    do you have any magnetic interference near the modem? Do you have a long coaxial cable to be able to move it away from that place?

    Do you have any temperature problem? For example, a modem put in a place without enough air circulation?

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin

    Hello @MrMax,

    Thank you for describing your situation to us.

    I have verified your account and noted that one of my colleagues has already initiated a technician appointment to address and resolve the ongoing issue comprehensively.

    Furthermore, it would be advisable to verify the information mentioned by @Jess_i88b6 and to provide the technician with details about the devices connected to the modem.

    You already received an e-mail confirmation regarding this appointment.

    For more details about how to manage a technician appointment, please refer to https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-manage-appointment-technician-visit-my-service-address.

    I hope you have a pleasant day!

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