Are those conversations on 7*24 ?

Lei Posts: 21 ✭✭
edited July 2023 in Your Fizz Account

Hi Fizz,

I have couple of issues with my modem (port 443 forwarding and ddns with I'm trying to discuss with a customer service, but no response at all.

Are those conversations 7*24 ?



  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,036 ✭✭
    edited June 2023

    yes it's 24 h /7j

  • Lei
    Lei Posts: 21 ✭✭

    But nobody there, how can I do, just stay and wait there ?

  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,036 ✭✭

    at night it is much faster

  • Lei
    Lei Posts: 21 ✭✭

    It looks like the customer service is broken recently, nobody I can talk in time, only one response I got is just general/basic instruction, no conversation with a real customer service, I do not understand how they're thinking.@Sébastien code ZXEL1

  • FizzyFizz JQMPM
    FizzyFizz JQMPM Posts: 7,149 ✭✭

    It should be 24/7

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,679 ✭✭

    They are supposed to be there 24/7

    Probably they are overwhelmed with support request

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin

    Hello Lei,

    I am sorry to hear about this situation. Rest assured that we are online 24/7 and reply to all our members as fast as possible. However sometimes there may be delays, depending on the total number of interactions we have.
    Following the verifications in your account I see that you managed to get in touch with a colleague, you also have a private message from us on the forum. Please verify that message.

    I am counting on your understanding and I wish you a good day,

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