Frequent temporary disconnections

am_ Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited May 2023 in Internet

I don't have a question or expect a solution. I'm just writing to vent a bit.

 I've been having frequent temporary disconnections / reboots (a few times a week) for the past year or so. I've had many chats with teq support, but they don't seem to be advanced enough to identify a cause (their solution everytime is to reset the modem). I've even requested a modem replacement, just in case, it took a while, but sadly, it didn't resolve the issue.

 I just gave up, and for the past few months,  I've been living with it. Still, it's very irritating if you're working, or in a meeting, or streaming on tv. The modem/router reboots by itself, and it takes about 10-15 mins to come back.

 Before fizz, I was with teksavy and videotron (both, on the same infrastructure as fizz, even same cable to the model) for many many years, and I never had that.

 It serves me right. You get what you pay for. You save about $15 a month but you have to reboot the modem every few days. Good deal, right?

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @am_,

    I'm sorry to hear about this situation.

    I tried to reach your account and verify it, however, the e-mail associated with your community member account is not the same with the one of your Fizz member account.

    In this regard, we need you to contact us back and tell us if the situation still persists after you followed the manipulations presented here:

    If none of them work, then please contact us back and also try to take a look at the modem's lights when it reacts like that (disconnects on its own).

    I wish you have a pleasant day and please contact us here once you have the necessary details:



  • Derr
    Derr Posts: 6,692 ✭✭

    @am_ No it’s not a good deal…

    By any chance, did you try to restore your wifi modem to its factory settings?

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,906 ✭✭

    This is definitely not good. This was the same behavior for me when I joined Fizz. Modem replacement fixed the issue.

    Who knows what maybe both your modems (the old one and the current one) are defective?

  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,036 ✭✭
    edited May 2023


    no it's not normal

    me to contact the support for oneself who finds a solution or who changes me the moderm

  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,036 ✭✭

    you should ask for a fizz technician who comes to see the problem

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,906 ✭✭

    Exactly, while the technician is on place ask him to do the test with a different modem (at least he did this while replacing my modem)

  • am_
    am_ Posts: 2 ✭✭

    yes. that's the one and only solution you get out of teq support.

    that's my guess as well. but that would make me a very unlicky person.

    that's what happened. basically, they don't send a replacement unless a technician comes over and installs it.. but the guy couldn't do much, he tried my old modem, and checked the signal and everything was great. The problem is that it randomly stops at any given time, otherwise it works normally, and it's hard to see what the problem is without looking at logs or data that we (as clients) are not exposed to.

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,906 ✭✭

    You should continue to work with the customer support, we are all users here and can only share our experience and give you some advices. Don't give up and everything will be fixed, with Fizz you should be patient 🙂.

  • catostrichpeaceful
    catostrichpeaceful Posts: 14 ✭✭

    That’s not what a Fizz customer should deserve. I was Fizz internet customer and I had exactly the same frequent disconnection issue. I chatted with support many times but all I get is the same script (reboot modem, try different computer, disconnect router, etc)

    i pushed them many times to send a technician because I know the cabling outside my home is the culprit. I had to push them three times to send. Finally they agree to send but warn me I have to pay fee if they find out it’s not their fault. I feel really bad because they just want to save cost rather than resolving a customer issue.

    i fed up and move to Oxio. On activation date the technician (from Vidéotron obviously) fixed the cabling and ensure I get connection without any trouble, for FREE.

    tldr, forget about customer support, just switch provider and you get what you deserve as customer in the quickest way

  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,036 ✭✭
    edited May 2023

    not at all the same price as fizz oxio

  • blocklanders
    blocklanders Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I’m in the same boat for about 8 months, changed the modem and had the technician check the cabling and supposedly all is good.

    I get random outages 2-3 times a week and it only comes back if I pull the power off the modem or pull the coax cable for 30 secs.

    Next step is to change provider.

  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,906 ✭✭

    @Whizz could someone please take a look?

  • FizzyFizz JQMPM
    FizzyFizz JQMPM Posts: 7,149 ✭✭

    Sorry, I don't know how to help you. Let's see if Whizz comes up with a solution

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