my referral bonus went to waste and I cannot change my email

dpcioc Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited April 2023 in Your Fizz Account

Hi everyone,

I have two issues that I am unable to get solved even after chatting with tech support.

First, I used to have both internet and cellphone service from Fizz. During that time I recommended someone using the referral code and got 100$. For some reason, that money only got partially applied to my Internet bill. Not my mobile. I was never asked to what account I want to apply it. I canceled internet and went to Bell because they installed optical fiber in my building. So now I still have about 80$ that I cannot use. And my referral code is still the same. It does not make sense, that referral is for my account and I still have one service in that account.

Second, I wanted to change my email and its not possible from the portal. Fizz is the only company I deal with that does not let me change that online. So I ask in the chat and I even sent photos of my current credit card registered in my account as well as my driver's license to verify my ID. Three weeks letter I receive an e-mail asking me to send a photo of another credit card. Only to change an e-mail! But that other card has a larger capacity and I don't feel like sending a photo of it. And what if I no longer had that credit card?

I hope someone reads this and can do something. It's not that a big deal but those problems just give me the impression that Fizz is just too disorganized and I will waste time when having issues. On the other hand I always have good reception and I like data roll over but at some point that is not going to be enough to stay with Fizz if simple issues like those I mentioned are so hard to resolve.

Thank you for reading this and have a great day!

Best Answers

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,280 ✭✭
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @dpcioc

    The referral will be applied on the plan active as the first one at the moment you earn the referral code, and you cannot decide to which plan applied. If they were applied to the internet, they are lost :( sorry

    You’ll have to look in your Transaction history.

    Your referral bonuses are used up as needed. We use the total received from your referral bonuses towards your monthly payment. If your payment is less than the total received from your bonuses, you may then very well end up having nothing to pay for your plan. Any residual amount from your referral bonuses (the balance) will be applied to your next payment. 

    If your plan is suspended, say for example that your payment failed, any transaction related to your referral bonuses will be pushed out to your next payment cycle.  

    If you deactivate your plan, or your plan is deactivated by Fizz for payment failure or any other reason, you will lose the referral bonuses that are pending and associated with this plan, including your balance.  

    The referral bonus for the active member and the one for the new member will be automatically applied towards the monthly payment of their respective plan if both members have an active plan when the new member has accumulated two months of service.


    To view your Transaction history, follow this link : 

    To view your Transaction history:

    Go to My Plans in your Fizz account.

    Scroll to the plan that you wish to view (if you have more than one).

    Click on the Transaction history button.

    Here you will be able to view a complete summary of your payments and transactions.

    If you click on one of the transactions, you’ll see your receipt and the amount corresponding to referral bonuses applied.


    The credit card can be sent removing partial digits, since they cannot/should not see the full credit card, you can ask which part they want to see. Sometime they can see the last 4s or the first and last 4s.

    I find very poor if you can still access the old email why they cannot send a verification link on that email to autorise the email change.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,270 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello dpcioc,

    Thank you for being part of the Fizz community!

    I will clarify the situation for both questions.
    For the referral code, is like some of the members already informed you. By default, if you have 2 plans in the Fizz account and you share your referral code to someone, that bonus will be used only to the first opened plan. In your current situation, the referral applied to the internet plan can't be changed to the mobile plan, however since currently you have only the mobile plan, all the referral codes you will get by sharing your code will work for it. 
    The other option is like Andrei_ref_R7VK1 said, by going in your Fizz account at: My settings -> Scroll to the bottom of the page -> Plan receiving the referral bonuses. By selecting a plan from here, all the referral bonuses which will be received after sharing your code will be applied to the selected plan, however the already received or in pending amounts will be used only for the first plan. 
    You can find more information about the referral bonuses from this FAQ:

    As for the email change, I am counting on your understanding that we need to require the documents to make sure we are in chat with the owner of the account. It's in order to protect your account and not give access to another person to it. From the ID we need only your name, to match with the one from the Fizz account, date when it will expire and home address which appear in the Fizz account. From the card, we need visible only the last 4 digits and when it will expire.
    In case of a lost card, you can ask to the bank for a proof that the card with digits XXXX is recognized by them as lost and replaced.

    I am counting on your understanding and I wish you a great day,


  • Sébastien code ZXEL1
    Sébastien code ZXEL1 Posts: 8,037 ✭✭
    Changing your email address.
    1. The email address associated with your Fizz account is where you receive communications from Fizz, including administrative emails. It is therefore imperative to keep this address up to date in your account.
    3. To change your email address, contact us using the chat bubble located in the lower right-hand corner of this FAQ. Once your identity is confirmed, the rep will make the change for you.
    5. An email will then be sent to your new address to confirm the change. You’ll have 24 hours to take action. After that, the link won’t work, and you’ll have to contact us again. If you do end up doing this a few times, use the link in the most recent email. The other, previous links won’t work.  
    7. Once the change is completed, your new address will be the one to use to access your Fizz account. Your Fizz communications will also be sent to this new email address.
    Where can I see whether my referral bonuses were applied to my payments?

    You’ll have to look in your Transaction history.

    Your referral bonuses are used up as needed. We use the total received from your referral bonuses towards your monthly payment. If your payment is less than the total received from your bonuses, you may then very well end up having nothing to pay for your plan. Any residual amount from your referral bonuses (the balance) will be applied to your next payment. 

    If your plan is suspended, say for example that your payment failed, any transaction related to your referral bonuses will be pushed out to your next payment cycle.  

    If you deactivate your plan, or your plan is deactivated by Fizz for payment failure or any other reason, you will lose the referral bonuses that are pending and associated with this plan, including your balance.  

    The referral bonus for the active member and the one for the new member will be automatically applied towards the monthly payment of their respective plan if both members have an active plan when the new member has accumulated two months of service.


    To view your Transaction history, follow this link : 

    To view your Transaction history: green bubble bottom right

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  • Andrei_ref_R7VK1
    Andrei_ref_R7VK1 Posts: 8,909 ✭✭

    Actually you can change which plan the bonus $ will go to.

    Settings -> Communications -> Plan receiving referral bonuses (at the bottom)

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