About Fizz's Data gifting Facebook page

Hello, I have been a participant of this group since August 2022, would it be possible not to block and review each of my interventions please as if I were a new member? Thank you so much. I contacted the admins but no response.
Bonjour, je suis un participant de ce groupe depuis août 2022, serait-il possible de ne pas bloquer et revoir chacune de mes interventions svp comme si j'étais un nouveau membre ? Merci beaucoup. J'ai contacté les admins mais pas de réponse.
Best Answer
Hello GuyTheGuy.
The facebook post for data sharing isn't managed by us sadly. It was founded by members so for any questions or inquiries about their activity you will need to talk to them.
As for the french part, I'll let it slide for now however I'd like to ask that in the future you post in one language or if you want answers on both french and english, make a post on each.
That was all.
Have a good one!
-Paul 🖖0
What do you mean by block and review?
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Voulez vous dire fermer le post ?
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I don't think so
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à chaque fois que je poste un commentaire il est mis en attente pour examen par les administrateurs. Pourtant je suis un participant régulier depuis août 2022.
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Ouin ok ........ savait pas quil fesait sa
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En fait, ils ont augmenté la sécurité de la page en raison de spammeurs qui postaient des tonnes de vidéos pas rapports. Mais avec ce changement au niveau de la sécurité les nouveaux membres sont analysés et doivent patienter avant de pouvoir participer ou faire des demandes.
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Mais honnêtement, on a l'impression qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'administrateurs et de modérateurs qui travaillent sur cette page car les interventions ne sont pas rapides
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Therefore, it seems that your account is working at the moment
Did you receive any warning for the Whizz?
Did you get the message that your post was on moderation?
Do you post all the time your message using the french and english?
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Yes, there has been this message on my account:
Your exam is still pending. To keep this group safe, administrators vet new participants before their content is published.
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C'est ma première question sur ce forum. J'utilise le français d'habitude.
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probably your account was flagged for some reason.
I got some message, went to moderation and I have a message after clicked on the "Post comment"
Some of my message are deleted when I post using the wrong language, therefore posting in french in the english community or vice-versa.
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Quelle est la meilleure façon de contacter les administrateurs de cette page ? Le service à la clientèle de Fizz (via Messenger) m'a dit de poser la question ici sur le forum. Il y a un administrateur nommée Joy mais elle ne répond jamais aux messages.
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I will continue to post in english since you posted on the english community
You can attract their attention, tagging them @Whizz this is a question for you, it is another team that is monitoring the forum.
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If you have whatever technical problem and you need customer support, it's better to use the chat on fizz website. I used also whatsapp assistance and it works quite well
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They are pretty quick in replying by any social media platform you use.