Feature Request -Be able to view ALL PERKS INFO(date/time used, gifted, date/expired)-
I'm confused as to why Fizz has not added the functionality of being able to see on their end and on ours too ALL THE PERKS you've used, if it was gifted and to who, the date/time it was activated and the date/time it expired. The reason I'm requesting this feature is because I do not remember if I have used this 15GB data. (If it was used then why is it in the expired category) They should add a new tab called USED or PAST and have the info when clicked on a Perk.
- When was it activated(date/time)
- When was it available on your account?(date/time)
- How much was used (mb/gb amount) (if applicable)
- Was it used in full( yes/ no)
- When did it expire?(date/time
In the EXPIRED category, we should be able to click on a perk and see when it expired(date/time).
I contacted Support to ask if they could reactivate it, they say that they CANNOT reactivate an expired Perk. So I then ask if I could get a NEW Perk instead. They then say that they don't know if the 15GB Perk was USED, GIFTED or EXPIRED even though it's in the expired category. This reddit post seems to show otherwise. OP contacted Support and they replied with the date it was activated and the date it expired. I didn't receive any info and there's no way for me to check.
Even though Support cannot reactivate my 15GB Perk because it's "expired" I think we should be able to easily access all relevant info. I'm just annoyed because I was busy during December and I can't remember if I activated it. I also forgot to say that it was the supervisor that didn’t approve any of my requests.
It's a real bummer if I actually missed it. I spent a lot of money (>2000$ in 2021) on overpriced add-ons because of no unlimited internet data plans available and they can’t even give me an exception on this one. I actually like Fizz because its just easy and straightforward but this is just annoying.
Best Answer
Hello there Darthom!
Your input is very much appreciated in regards to how members could view their perks, be it expired or used given that we are continuing to improve even today.
In regards to see if you have used it or not, you can check the Usage of your mobile plan to see what type of Data you have used.
You can access it by going to My Plans----->Usage, located under the mobile plan. In it you will be able to see if the Data has been rolled over, it was part of an upgrade, Add-on, etc.
While not as effective as you have proposed, it is the only means to verify the data you used during your stay with us.
Have a good one!
-Paul 🖖0
I agree that a few more pieces of info could be helpful in order to manage our account, understand what we have missed and be active.
Unfortunately, I cannot answer why it is not technically possible to have. Now used or expired perks are in the same category.