Phone calls do not reach voicemail.... HELP

When someone calls me, and I do not answer, it hangs-up (beep-beep-beep...drops) rather than going to my voicemail
I accessed to the voicemail (hold #1 on my pixel 7) and I did a reset to the default message, still no luck...
In my current Fizz phone plan :
Data 20GB | Minutes Unlimited | Texts Unlimited | Coverage Canada | Coverage Canada | Voicemail Yes
Help would be greatly appreciated since I also use this number for business.
Thanks 😀📱
Best Answer
Hello Yannick_ban,
I am sorry to hear that you encounter this situation,
I have verified your account and indeed you have the voicemail option included in your plan.
In order to access it, please call it directly here: 1-514-647-0999
If it does not work to call it, then please contact our customer support team in private in order to help you further.
Also, please make sure that you do not forward your calls to another number, as the voicemail will not pick up the call.
Rest your PIN for the Voicemail from your Fizz account> my plans> manage plan> dvanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail.
After you reset it, restart your phone and test.
One last step would be to dial this number: *61*+15146470999*11*number_of_seconds#
Replace "number_of_seconds" with a multiple of 5 from 5 to 30. That is the time it takes for the voicemail to pick up the call.
Here you can see some troubleshooting steps as well:
If these do not work, please contact us in private in order to help you.
Thank you for your understanding!
Have a good day!
You try to reboot your phone ?
contact Fizz customer service for help by opening this link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.
You can also do it on Facebook:
-By private message on Twitter :
-Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814
Chatting is the only fast and efficient method because you interact directly with customer service
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All your update are done on your phone ?
Your are shure to have the voicemail in your plan ?
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All updates has been done, this has also happened on my previous phone (Pixel 3a xl),
To my knowledge, my voicemail never worked ever since I joined Fizz,
Data 20GB | Minutes Unlimited | Texts Unlimited | Coverage Canada | Coverage Canada | Voicemail Yes
See bellow screen shot of the voicemail option is YES
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It's time to ask Fizz customer service what they can do for you about that
Contact Fizz customer service for help by opening this link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.
You can also do it on Facebook:
-By private message on Twitter :
-Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814
Chatting is the only fast and efficient method because you interact directly with customer service
Have a nice day