No mobile data, "sign in to networks" for over 20 days

Beerbossa Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited December 2022 in My Mobile

I've been with Fizz for over two years, everything was going well, then I changed phone. Everything was going fine, but 48 hours after I lost access to any mobile data (I clearly have 5GB and up to 15GB of available data, it should be obvious from the data usage that it stopped working on a particular date).

I got in contact with the support team immediately, and nothing has been resolved in over 20 days.

I went over the whole manual APN settings, trying the sim card in the old phone, manual APN settings in the old phone, disabled automatic network assignment, selecting Fizz EXT manually, rebooting, doing all of that on both phones over several days, buying a new sim card, doing it all over again, etc.

Contacted the support over and over again by email, I know the current status is that the technical team is working on it, but it feels like I'm a minority that will probably get pushed aside during the holidays. I need data for work and when I'm traveling, I'm starting to look at other companies but would really rather stay with Fizz.

Can I please get an day-to-day update on the support ticket #206559, or can we please try drastic measures such as wiping my account, payment, whatever needs to happen for my data to be unlocked because it's almost been a month.

If the technical team is 100% sure everything is fine on their end and that somehow "both of my phones got an issue suddently on the same exact day" I'd just like to know and stop waiting for a miracle.

I'm paying for the service but am not able to use any kind of data when not on wifi. Always the same blank "Sign in to networks" page even though we tried everything. I'm sorry for spamming the forum with an issue that is being resolved privately, but I'm just trying to bring some attention as I'm out of resources to escalate this / get a clear "yo, we don't know, change provider" answer.

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,354 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Beerbossa ,

    Sorry to hear about the issue.

    From what I have verified on your Fizz account it looks like the technical team is still investigating the issue you are having, as we deeply apologize for the inconvenience.

    Our team will contact you back via e-mail in the shortest time possible once their feedback is received.

    You can also track the ticket status via My settings - My tickets, to also have a view on its progress.

    On a side note, it`s better to communicate either via e-mail or just from any social medial channel, including Live chat, as ticket updates are not posted here, as I will also have to close your post also.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Have a good one,



  • Beerbossa
    Beerbossa Posts: 5 ✭✭

    It's gotta be related to this, please check if my plan is in an in-between scuffed state.

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 13,687 ✭✭

    Hi @Beerbossa

    Are you already swapped the SIM for the VoLTE? If not, I will try to do that, probably this will be make some different

    However, I don't understand why out of the blue, your plan stop working, you tried different phone

    in the meantime, I don't understand your screenshot, did you change plan?

  • Beerbossa
    Beerbossa Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hey Jessy, the newest Sim card that I bought and transferred to DOES have a red lightning icon on it, while my old sim card didn't.

    Thought it would fix the issue as well, but didn't bring the data back. Sms works, phone calls work.

    As for the pictures, the story went as follow :

    • A few days before the problem starts happening
    • Just going around in the Fizz PWA looking at prices, phones, etc.
    • End up in my "manage plan" section
    • I see that I can "upgrade" my plan to get exactly the same perks, but for a reduced price of -5$
    • I click to change plan
    • Few days later I receive an email that the plan change was UNSUCCESSFUL as I was "too close to my payment cycle" or something of the sort, and to try again later

    Didn't think much at the time, but the first post in the picture does talk about November 26, which is where I had data for the last time.

    It really feels like I'm stuck in between the two plan prices / configuration / something is up and the backend thinks I have no data left even though I am and still am paying for 5+ GBs.

    Thanks for the interest !

  • Beerbossa
    Beerbossa Posts: 5 ✭✭

    The "plan upgrade" (price reduction) looks like this, and it was deemed unsuccessful because both time when I tried to change were too close to the payment cycle.

    It may be totally unrelated, but the date on the first picture did seem to somewhat correlate. May just be related to the payment cycle as well.

    My credit card infos are up to date and I paid in November.

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 13,687 ✭✭

    Hi @Beerbossa

    I don't know if it is a good suggestion, did you try to change again you plan?

  • Beerbossa
    Beerbossa Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited December 2022

    EDIT: Oh I'm already in process it seems !

    Original Message:

    I can try again (and I probably should have tried again earlier), but it's going to take a few days (I assume) to process and may hit the same road block of the payment cycle thingie cause we're close to the 23-26.

    I did not want to interfere / go through the regular "new plan will come into effect on X date" if someone from the tech team can simply switch me up instantly from the backend😟.

This discussion has been closed.