Low internet speed

birramina Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited December 2022 in Internet

I have made almost every step to get the speed that I'm paying for (130Mbps) but after doing all that I'm able to get it for a just for few minutes then it goes back to 20Mbps - 50Mbps max.... Is it possible that there's something going on your end? (Fizz/Videotron)

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,270 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @birramina ,

    Sorry to hear about the issue!

    Checking your modem`s signals I could see that they are in good standing, but on WiFi you have congestion issues on 5 Ghz and a guest network enabled.

    If you did not enable the guest network, kindly factory reset the modem by pressing the small button on the back of the modem ( in the small orifice ), using a sharp object for about 20 seconds until the modem reboots itself.

    You will then need to connect to the default network using the default password on the white label.

    Wait a few minutes after the factory reset and check again if you have a working connection as more details can be found here : https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-install-my-wi-fi-modem

    Check if the Easy connect interface pops-up after the factory reset and if does not try to log to the modem`s interface via from any browser.

    using these :

    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: the password written on the white label on the back

    Test the speed afterward with 1 device via WiFi , then remove it, and test with 1 device via Ethernet and check the speed.

    If the issue persists, please reach our colleagues on Live chat following these details : https://fizz.ca/en/support so they can can assist further.

    Have a good day,



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