Invoice size

Alexane R.
Alexane R. Posts: 14 ✭✭
edited December 2022 in Break Room

I downloaded an invoice for my accountant, and the size is now 34Mb for a single page..

Before this was not the case. Please correct this asap.

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Alexane R.,

    I am sorry for the situation encountered,

    I have investigated the matter and it appears that some invices, when you download them, are quite large on average 35mb. 

    In order to fix this, can you please contact us in private in order to escalate a ticket to our technical team?

    I was unable to find your account using the email you registered on the community hub.

    If anyones else has this issue, my advice is to contact us in private via social media or chat in order to escalate the matter further. :) 

    Thank you for reporting this and for bringing awareness to the other community users. 

    Also, as the picture you posted has some details from your account, I have deleted it. In the future, if you post a picture from your account, cover the information in the header. 


    Thank you for your understanding!

    Have a good day!

    -Eugen  ⚡️


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