15 GB to all our mobile members.



  • Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I have three mobile plans under my account, each of them is a separate user. So far only I received a perk. When will two other users get it?

  • @ashokatanya ses 15go par compte seulement

  • Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Cool, thanks Fizz!!

  • Posts: 24,244 admin

    Hello ashokatanya,

    Please note that the 15GB perk is 1 per account, and it can be applied to one of the phone numbers. In case there are 2+ plans, the perk will remain 1 per account. I am counting on your understanding and I wish you a great day.
    In case you have any other questions, you can contact us anytime in private following the steps from this link: https://fizz.ca/en/support

    Have a great day,

  • Thank you Fizz !

  • Posts: 117 ✭✭

    wow thank you FIZZ!!

  • Posts: 25 ✭✭

    So do we only have one month to use it or can it be redistributed to other months like the rest of our data?

    thank you

  • Posts: 213 ✭✭

    only for December. cannot redistribute it. can not gift it.

    take it or leave 😎

  • Posts: 134 ✭✭

    I had never ever in my life have so much data ! Thnks Fizz

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