Router problem

Galchena Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited October 2022 in Internet

Hi, it seems that my router is not working. The modem had super low speed and was very unreliable. They told me to try different thigns that ended up working. Well now the modem seems dead. There are no lights at all, nothing happens when i restart. I checked the power outlet and replugged everything that could be... Still dead

Best Answer


  • Matthew A. #24717
    Matthew A. #24717 Posts: 375 ✭✭

    Oh No! Definitely chat with support sounds like you will need a replacement.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin

    Hello hello Galchena 

    Hope that you are doing well! I looked through your modem with my tools and could see that there is a maintenance work in your area which stops the service of any modem in order to properly work on the network.

    If you still want to contact us, go to the Contact Us page while being logged on and click on the bubble that is on the lower end corner of the page. The chat will be the last option on the bottom for you to click on. 

    Have a wonderful night!

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