Can Not update my Credit Card

locbtran Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited October 2022 in Your Fizz Account

I need to update my credit card cause it will expire soon.

To update my credit card in Fizz, I go here:

My Settings -> Payment methods -> Add a new payment method

Every time I tried to update my card, it says

"You have reached the maximum number of attempts. Click here for more info."

I click on the link but it takes me to a 404 page.

I tried 2 other credit cards and it's giving me the same error message. One of the cards that I tried, which I use for automatic payment with my car insurance company, so I know that card works but yet, FIZZ refuses to take my credit card.

Can someone help me, it tells me I need to update my card by tomorrow otherwise my account will be suspended?? So frustrating.


Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello locbtran,
    I hope this message finds you well.

    I'm sorry to hear that you encounter some issues trying to update your payment method, and this particular limit can be reset if you contact our customer service. I kindly suggest you to contact us on any communication channel of your liking ( Facebook messenger, WhatsApp or live chat ), and request a limit reset, while also providing a screenshot of the error you encounter, and the customer service agents will gladly help you out. 

    Here is and FAQ you can use to contact us Once you access it, you should be able to start a chat session by clicking the (?) question mark in the lower right corner of your screen, and then on the three dots (...) which represent our live chat. 

    Have a good one!

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