Payment Update failed many times, can't contact support somehow

WhiskyJay Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited September 2022 in Your Fizz Account

I can't change my payment method, the website won't let me do it because it seems that I have reached the maximum number of attempts, after trying to reach the support without any success I simply want a way to pay my bill because this issue has caused me to be suspended/cancelled...Please tell me how to change this situation, ASAP.

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello WhiskyJay,
    I am sorry for the sitaution encountered,
    I have verified your account and I can see that you managed to contact us in private today. 
    We have reset the limits of attempts from our end.
    In case you still encounter any issues, please respond to the email we have sent you.
    If you want to reach us via chat, make sure you di not have any ad blockers enabled.
    If you do, the "?" bubble will not appear to you. 
    Furthermore, to contact us, you can always use this link:
    Thank you for your understanding!
    Have a good one!


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