How can I reset my voicemail Pin?

I forgot my pin i can’t access my voicemail without my pin
Best Answer
Hello Santana__bvy ,
Thank you for being part of the Fizz community!
As Jessy_ref_i88b6 said, you can set a new PIN for your voicemail from the Fizz account, by going at: Under: My plans -> Manage My Plan -> Advanced Settings -> PIN to Access Your Voicemail.
You can find more information in this FAQ:
As an aditional information, note that your last 4 digits of the phone number will also not work as a PIN code.
Have a great day,
Here the info
Modify your access code (PIN) directly via your voicemail, or online from your Fizz account (Under: My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail).
IMPORTANT: Unsafe combinations such as 1234 or 8888 will be rejected.