Why I DO NO LONGER HAVE VOICEMAIL after opting out of visual voicemail?

How can I have my voicemail back?
Best Answer
Hello @babinatavitrankina ,
Sorry to hear about the situation encountered.
If you decide to remove the visual voicemail from your plan, please note that the voicemail will also be removed, since they are both part of the same package, to say so.
A bit more details can be found here : https://fizz.ca/en/faq/whats-visual-voicemail-and-how-does-it-work
So if you want the option back, please adjust your plan via My plans - Manage - Adjust plan and add the visual voicemail option back.
Thank you for your understanding.
Have a good one,
Hi @babinatavitrankina, this page will surely help you:
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The visual voicemail option also includes basic voicemail. Fizz does not offer an option for traditional voicemail only. If you want the basic voicemail, you must have the visual voicemail option on your plan.
Hope that helps !