Moving, but staying at another location for 3 months with no internet needed

GBBB Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited August 2022 in Internet


I'm moving on aug 29th and will get to the new place at the end of november. In between those dates (3 months), I will not require my Fizz internet. When I will arrive at the new place at the end of november, I will need my internet services back.

Question: Is there a way to pause my internet services for 3 months and get the same plan when I move in the new place?

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,271 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello GBBB,
    Thank you for your question,

    A moving order is the only way to pause your services. 

    You can try to set up your moving appointment on the 29th of August and then verify if the address where you will be moving to is eligible.
    If it is, then you will have access to the scheduling calendar.
    I suggest that you try to place the moving order for November and see how far it goes. 

    If you can't reach the desired day, then you can unsubscribe and return your modem to avoid being charged according to the amount in your Service Agreement.
    It is important to know that when you activate a new plan after you unsubscribe, you will be paying the prices available on the website at the time of the subscription.
    More details here:

    To place a moving order, you need to log into your account> my plans> manage plan>  Moving my service.
    Here you can see some additional information:

    Thank you for your understanding!
    Have a good one!


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