The internet wire from the street to my house is too low.

Sonja Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited August 2022 in Internet

Can someone come out here to tighten it?

Best Answer


  • Fling
    Fling Posts: 9,258 ✭✭
    edited August 2022

    Hi Sonja

    Here you are talking to users like you and Fizz doesn't answer question on the forum. So you have to contact them by yourself

    you can contact Fizz customer service by opening this link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.

    You can also do it on Facebook:

    -By private message on Twitter :

    -Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814

    Chatting is the only fast and efficient method because you interact directly with customer service

  • Sonja
    Sonja Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Can someone come out here to tighten the wire from the street to my house? It hangs way too low and is getting in the way of my landscaper's truck. Thank you.

  • Sonja
    Sonja Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Yeah, still waiting on the chat line... Number 13 in the queue, down from number 16 in the last half hour.

    Fizz service needs a serious upgrade.

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