Transferring a line without the old SIM card

I am trying to transfer a phone number from Telus to Fizz, but I do not have my old Telus SIM card to reply "YES" to the text message that Telus will send me.
What can I do about that?
Best Answer
Hello Georgiades,
First of all, thank you for becoming a Fizz member!
I verified your account and see that you made the request already.
Since you don't have your old SIM from Telus anymore, you can contact them and inform about this. With your confirmation they will be able to approve the transfer without the need to reply anymore to the SMS.
If you have any other questions, you can contact us following the steps from this link:
I wish you a great evening,
Hi Geogiades
Here we are users like you and you should ask your question to Fizz. Fizz doesn't answer question on the forum si you have to contact them by yourself
contact Fizz customer service by opening this link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.
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