My friend wants the price I’m paying

Smilemars Posts: 156 ✭✭
edited July 2022 in My Mobile


My friend wants to be with Fizz once she found out how much I pay for my plan.

I had my plan for awhile and I think the price has gone up. Is there an option for my friend to get the same price?

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 22,406 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello Smilemars,
    Thank you for your question,
    In regards to the prices, if your friend subscribes now, he will pay the prices that are on the website:
    The plan is customizable and he can choose what he needs for the price he's willing to pay. 
    Here you can see more details:

    Thank you for your understanding!
    Have a good one!

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