New to Fizz

Posts: 143 ✭✭
Hi guys,
I'm new to Fizz and still teying to figure out everything. Hope everyone is well and keeping safe.
Referral code DG1NA
Have a great day
Best Answer
Welcome to Fizz.
Just one quick note, Referal codes are to be kept in one thread only.
On in the Data Gifting section when you are looking or offering data.
Cheers, and keep safe.
Welcome!! 👍
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Hello guys!
It is my referral code RU7NM
Help yourself.
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Mon codes de parrainage est le AFA8U vous avez des question contacter moi merci
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Les codes de parrainage doivent être posté dans la section parrainage.. De plus la grande majorité des gens ici sont déjà membres!!
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@rydock thanks for the comment. I am aware there is another area where you can post your codes.
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Welcome!! 👍
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Bienvenu parmi nous!
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