Internet Down rosemont?

linoisier Posts: 1 ✭✭

My modem is showing all the lights expect for the 5gz one and the internet has been down for the past 3 hours. Tried to reset it twice, unplug it and everything. Anyone else?


  • Dapfizzer
    Dapfizzer Posts: 10,182 ✭✭



    you can test some of the troubleshooting mentioned in the following FAQ:

    And if the problem still persists, I suggest you to contact Fizz’s support team directly to inquire about possible network work or an outage in your area, and if not, they will be able to do some further investigation to correct this situation. You can do it by opening the following link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, than click on it to start your chat session with the customer service.

    If the chat bubble still does not appear at the bottom of the page, on the right, after a few seconds, the number of pending sessions is higher than the service’s processing capacity. At that time, you can leave a message on the other proposed communication channels:

    -By private message on Facebook/Messenger:

    -By private message on Twitter :

    -Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,276 admin

    Hi linoisier,

    Ichecked on your account and on your connection signals from thenetwork to the modem where I can see that they are within the optimalparameters, with no package loss or broadcast congestion.

    There is no incident or maintenance work being performed in the areathat could've caused the disruption.

    Wouldyou kindly please unplug the coaxial cable from the coaxial outletand the modem respectively, wait for about 30 seconds, then plug itback in the outlet first and then in the modem, then restart it?

    Also,please perform a factory reset of the modem by using a sharp objectto press on the small button in the orifice behind the modem for 10seconds, then let the modem reboot itself and test theconnection.

    Followingthis, please change the connection bandwidth setting as shown herebelow:

    Choose: ''My Wi-Fi''
    Select your Wi-Finetwork
    Select: ''Advanced Settings''
    Band Steering''On/Off''

    Thischange can also be applied through the Wi-Fi modem user interface:
    1.Log in at: fromthe web browser of any device.
    2. Log in using the followinginformation:
    Username: cusadmin
    Password: xxxxxxxx(Password you chose during initial setup)
    3. Go to the nextsection to apply changes:
    Wireless → General Settings → 5GHz→ Band Steering (Disable)

    Then,restart the modem for this change to come into effect.

    Afterthat is done, disconnect your devices from the Wi-Fi (delete theWi-Fi connection from their menu if possible) and connect the onesclosest to the modem on the 5Ghz channel instead.

    More details for a remedy can be found here:

    Have a fine day,