How can I remove Upgrades before the billing date?

Daniel M. 56928
Daniel M. 56928 Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited January 2022 in Internet

Hey, it's my first time using upgrades. I have two upgrade slots unlocked and recently added a 500Mb upgrade to one slot and a 200Mb upgrade to the second slot. I then noticed that my monthly bill went up and this was surprising because, for some reason, I thought the upgrades were free.

Now I am trying to remove the upgrades but I am not able to because it is pending.

I initially wanted to chat with customer support about removing the upgrades before my next billing date but could not find a link to the contact channels.

I would appreciate any help on this.

Best Answers

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Like Stefan mentioned, bill should no go up, unless you made a modification to your plan.

    Fizz Customer service agents are only available online. As you know, here we are all end users like you.

    • Sign into your account
    • Follow the link on this page: or
    • Wait 3 seconds for the green bubble with a '?' appears at the bottom right of the browser, if you use a phone you must use it in desktop or horizontal mode
    • Choose the option 💬 chat
    • If the green bubble does not appear make sure your ad blocker is disabled, otherwise try with another browser.

    PS: For me the only combination that works for CHAT, is Firefox, in a private window, and only when in the French language..

    Other means of contact

    CHAT however is the quickest method, but facebook is the easiest.

    IF that fails, you can always use the "complaint" form to send them a message and they will contact you via email.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,276 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello Daniel M. ,

    Thank you for contactingus about this situation.

    I've verified your account and I seeno inconsistencies regarding any possible extra charge for the 2upgrades. They were indeed showing to your invoice, but as a zeroamount and not added to the final payment. I see that now you have the twoof them added as pending activation. You won't be able to remove themuntil the beginning of your next payment cycle, when they'll comeinto effect again. You can find more details on the bellowFAQ:

    You don't have to worry that they'll be added to yourinvoice but if you see any issue regarding this matter or if you needus to help you further, I'm kindly asking you to contact us inprivate by live chat or via social media: Facebook Messenger orTwitter. Please check the info provided on the followinglinks:

    We'llinvestigate this situation further for you.

    Havea good one!



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