My internet isn’t working I trued everything

My internet isn’t working
Best Answer
Hello Lindaadornato,
Apologies for this unpleasant situation that you've encountered.
I've checked your account and saw that you've reached our support department, as Dapfizzer indicated, and they've provided you with a solution for this unpleasant inconvenience.
If you encounter anything else,don't hesitate to contact us by following the FAQ click on the question mark and you will find the available contact methods.Have a nice day.
Hi Linda,
contact Fizz’s support team directly to inquire about possible network work in your area, and if not, they will be able to do some further investigation to correct this situation. You can do it by opening the following link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, than click on it to start your chat session with the customer service.
You can also do it on Facebook:
-By private message on Twitter :
-Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814
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You can also tested the troubleshooting mentioned in the following FAQ: