
Vladimir13 Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited December 2021 in Internet


The internet at home need to be 120/20 Mbps....but it is 19.23/21.65 Mbps

What it is the problem ?


  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,292 ✭✭
    edited December 2021

    Hi Vladimir

    Please delete you personal information, this is a public forum.

    Did you try to turn off the modem for couple of minutes?

    Did you check if the speed was changed in your control panel?

    You can always contact the support

    You can chat in direct

    • Sign into your account
    • Follow the link on this page:
    • Wait 3 seconds for the green bubble with a '❔' appears at the bottom right of the browser, if you use a phone you must use it in desktop or horizontal mode
    • Choose the option 💬 chat
    • If the green bubble does not appear make sure your ad blocker is disabled, otherwise try with another browser.

    Other means of contact

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    How did you measure your speed ? Over a WiFi connection ?

    Try using the Fizz App, and test it from there. The Fizz app will trigger the test on the modem.

    Also, if possible, if you have a computer with an ethernet port, use the Ethernet cable that Fizz provided witht he modem, plug into one of the Yellow ports and then try it directly from there.

    Speed tests over WiFi can be affected by all sorts of issues including interference from neighbouring WiFi access points. WiFi connections are never guaranteed any speeds, they are only as good as the signal they can establish and can vary from one device to another, depends on which band (2.4Ghz or 5Ghz) they connect to, and what distance they are at.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,292 admin

    Hello Vladimir13,

    I am sorry to hear about this situation.
    Please try the manipulations our members provide.
    Also, please make sure the coaxial cable is well connected and not damaged in any way.
    Here you can also find more troubleshooting you can try:
    If the issue persists please reach our support team.

    Have a lovely day,

  • MarcVivian
    MarcVivian Posts: 120 ✭✭

    Thank you!