Why is returning a modem so complicated?

Kam Posts: 1 ✭✭

I returned my modem back after canceling my internet so I don’t have to pay them for it. I got an email saying it hasn’t been returned yet but I checked the tracking number it was delivered to their location on time. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks I’m advance for the help


  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    Hi Kam

    It is unfortunately a common issue lately (many people have reported the same issue). Fizz seems to be taking quite a while to process the modem returns (sometimes 4 to 5 weeks).

    I would recommend contacting customer service to get a ticket opened to be able to track the issue. Whatever you do, don't lose the tracking number. Maybe even print out a copy, just in case.

    Rest assured however that even if they do charge you, as soon as the modem is processed, the amount will be refunded. I know, ideally it should never be charged since you did follow the instructions and within the time required.


    You can contact a customer service agent.

    • Sign into your account
    • Follow the link on this page: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/status-services or https://fizz.ca/fr/faq/etat-services
    • Wait 3 seconds for the green bubble with a '?' appears at the bottom right of the browser, if you use a phone you must use it in desktop or horizontal mode
    • Choose the option 💬 chat
    • If the green bubble does not appear make sure your ad blocker is disabled, otherwise try with another browser.

    PS: For me the only combination that works for CHAT, is Firefox, in a private window, and only when in the French language..

    Other means of contact

    CHAT however is the quickest method, but facebook is the easiest.

  • Doomdrou
    Doomdrou Posts: 1,386 ✭✭

    Modem returns may take long before processing. I had a similar experience last year and it nearly took two months to finalize the process.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,292 admin

    Hi Kam,
    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Indeed, checking on my end I can see that your modem is still not marked as returned.
    I'd kindly recommend you contact us directly and provide us with a receipt you were provided from Canada Post so we could investigate and help you out.

    Youcan contact us on Live chat by using any of our FAQs in the SolutionsHub, such as this one:


    Youjust need to access an FAQ(link) like the one above, scroll throughit and after 10-15 seconds the ? bubble will appear in the bottomright corner of the page.

    Clickingon it will reveal multiple contact options, including the Live chatwhich is at the very bottom.
    Here you can find more informationabout how you can do that: https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us

    Thankyou very much for your understanding, patience and collaboration.

    Havea good one!


  • MarcVivian
    MarcVivian Posts: 120 ✭✭

    Thank you!