refund problem

A few mistakes were made in my account and at the same time my credit card was stolen.
I disabled my credit card and the bank issued a new one.
Fizz tell me they made a refund for the mistakes done in my account (about 25$) but they could only apply the refund to the previous credit card, not to the new one. That was about a month ago and I still don't see any refund on my credit card. I called the bank and they tell me that they have no trace on the old or the new card of such refund.
I've been on the chat with Fizz many times for that and nothing is done... I'm really frustrated. I even asked for a credit instead of a refund if that could make things easier but I still have no support.
This is unfair...
Best Answer
Hello Francois C. 29065
I am sorry to hear about that,
Please, contact us in private regarding this issue because there we will be able to discuss the matters of your account better.
Here is a link to do that:
I count on your kind understanding!
Have a good day!
Sorry to hear about all the hassles. Unfortunately, in these forums we are all just users like you, so not much we can do regarding your acount.
Since you have already contacted the support team, I would say try again, but this time explain that you have gone through it once already (f you already have a problem ticket, refer to that), and ask for it to be escalated.
Maybe @Whizz can see if then can escalate the issue.
PS: Refunds can be strange on CC transaction with some vendors. Just 2 months ago, I had a refund from Tim Horton's which took close to 3 weeks to show up on my statement, and Tim's kept saying they had already processed it, and my Bank kept saying that they have no record of a refund. However other vendors (like Costco, HomeDepot and others), the credits are nearly instantaneous.